Invasions barbares

Visuel Invasions barabres
with Les Voix Humaines Duo

The Brits and French plundered many a country for their own gain during the 17th and 18th centuries and these barbaric invaders often left traces of their cultures for posterity! A choice of the best barbaric tunes from the Empire!

Hume, Locke, Couperin, Marais and Sainte-Colombe


Regular: $35 - Seniors (65+): $30 - Students: $15

Voûte de la Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours
400 Rue Saint-Paul E,
Montréal QC

Notes de programme

Invasions barbares

Visuel note invasions barbares
Artist(s) and Ensemble(s)


Divide and Dance

Tobias Hume (1580-1645)
A Spanish Humour  

John Jenkins (1592-1678)
Suite in D
    Ayre - Almand - Almand

Christopher Simpson (v.1605-1669)
Divisions on a Ground 

A flight of Fantasies

Marin Marais (1656-1728)
Le jeu du volant

Jean de Sainte-Colombe (v.1640-v.1700)
Chaconne Le rapporté

Marin Marais
Fantaisie en écho 

The Sultan’s amusements

Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764)
La Coulicam (Thamas Couli Khan, roi de Perse)

François Couperin (1668-1733)
Musette de Taverni 
Musette de Choisi

Something Fishy

François Couperin
Le Trophée

Marin Marais
Les Voix humaines

François Couperin

Jean de Sainte-Colombe

Program Notes

The Brits and French plundered many a country for their own gain during the 17th and 18th centuries and these barbaric invaders often left traces of their cultures for posterity! Rameau operas are to be found in Haiti, for instance, and many British and French musical remnants in Canada, India and the Caribbean. The viols found in the walls of a Quebec City hospital are extraordinary… Les Voix humaines’ favourite barbaric tunes from the Empires!


The new viol duo Les Voix humaines brings flair and brilliance to their performances! Mélisande Corriveau, viol and recorder virtuoso, and Susie Napper have performed together as members of Les Voix humaines Consort for two decades and collaborated on many projects. They both play on historic viols by London luthier, Barak Norman.

The duo builds on decades of performances worldwide by Susie Napper and Margaret Little who’s musical complicity was compared to the skill of a pair of trapeze artists or the telepathic communion of jazz artists. Their many prizes and recordings are the foundation on which the new duo will build a creative repertoire and innovative style to inspire a new generation of music-lovers.

Anguille sous roche – Something Fishy, the new duo’s first recording and video features delicacies from the French repertoire offering humour, virtuosity and tenderness in a unique, creative programme.