Musical Meander-Online

Jonathon Adams, Melisande McNabney, Mika Putterman
Jonathon Adams, bariton, Les Voix Humaines, Melisande McNabney, clavicorde, Les Barocudas, Autour de la flûte

A virtual expedition through the secret halls of the Rialto theatre in search of rare musical gems! Clavichord improvisations, 17th century plague music, a triangle of traversos, Métis songs and an introduction to Montreal’s neo-baroque architecture will make for a full and varied meander!

Wild Nightingale - Jonathon Adams, bariton, Les Voix humaines

Inaudible Improvisations ! - Melisande McNabney, clavicord

A Plague On Your Houses - L’Ensemble Les Barocudas

Traverso Triangle - Autour de la flûte


Concert program:…



Webcast Livetoune : 20$